(PRWEB) April 1, 2003
<body><body bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” text=”#000000″><p>Xwall stays on top of SPAM reacting fast to new developments. The newest version of Xwall was released on March 28th. Current owners of Xwall can <a href=”download>” onclick=”linkClick(this.href)” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.ceratec.net/xwall.htm”>download</a> the update free of charge</p><p>V3.26 features an even stronger Bayesian filter. This filter is a valued SPAM fighting tools to many IT professionals. A Bayes filter can learn from experience. The new Xwall version features a Bayes mailbox. Simply forward the SPAM email to it and the Bayes filter ads the information to it’s database. Every message read by the filter is marked with a probability factor (1-100) of being SPAM. The administrator can adjust the trigger point to avoid false positives.</p><p>Lately SPAM appears with a harmless headers and external attachment. Xwall allows you to block these messages. If your favorite newsletters happens to use this method just enter them in the white list (exclude) to keep them coming. Other enhancements include blocking of files with double extension (filename.exe.txt), additional options to handle detected SMTP messages. Xwall now includes in the statistics SPAM sent from with in you company. This comes in very handy if your domain gets accused of sending Spam. Visit the <a href=”Xwall” onclick=”linkClick(this.href)” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.ceratec.net/xwall.htm”>Xwall page</a> to read about all new features.</p><img src=”http://www.ceratec.net/images/xwall326.png” width=”360″ height=”189″ align=”left”><p>Xwall is an excellent choice to control junk mail and eliminate SPAM. Xwall is Microsoft Windows based and supports all versions of Microsoft Exchange and most SMTP mail servers. Its many filters and exclusion tables allow custom filtering to match the needs of your company. In addition Xwall can take advantage of popular RBL and SPAM lists like Spamcop and others. The success story of Xwall is a simple one: Performance, support and a fair price.</p><p>In the US and Canada Xwall support is offered by Ceratec Inc. You can find more information about Xwall and other business email solutions on the web sites <a href=”ceratec.net>” onclick=”linkClick(this.href)” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.ceratec.net”>ceratec.net</a> and <a href=”emailprofessor.com>” onclick=”linkClick(this.href)” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.emailprofessor.com”>emailprofessor.com</a> Ceratec can also be reached by phone at (512) 285-2620. <br>
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